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                                        Thoughts on Australia

                                CEREBRUM VERSUS CEREBELLUM


I have been to West Australia four times for many months.

I find it a terrifying and lonely place.

It is beautiful, and the films and photos of Oz tell me that the rest of it is also stunning and varied. But as the 'Tracks' film shows us - about 'the camel lady' - it has vast deserts and immensely empty lonely territories. Lonely unless you are connected to nature in your every step and feeling secure from your nature wisdom in those steps.


The film 'Tracks' - which incidentally showed the camel lady's tragic isolated white childhood, and also showed Aboriginal camps and referenced sacred sites she couldn't take the camels into, confirmed my feelings about one of the reasons why people in Oz drink and drug so hard...


When I was exploring Crete I stayed in youth hostels. At Rethymnon I met an Australian lady who was very bouncy and voluble and presentable - 'attractive'. She was a social worker/nurse having a year out travelling the world. I spoke of my feelings about white Oz non-culture and my family's problems with medication there and she said she had clients taking so many pills every day - one was taking 100 pills a day!?


They do love to experiment on us, but its all liver toxic and doesn't cure anything - unlike Dr. H.R. Clark's anti-parasite herbs and kidney and liver herbs really gently, healthily do. But how to cure the guilt of Aboriginal theft and genocide or a rural utter isolation? - Anyway she was as high as a kite on something! - in addition to all there is to see and feel of ancient cultures in Europe that one cannot even dream of in Australia. But Aboriginal Dream Time is not man made! - and Western culture seeks to derogate and devalue it and treat it as an irrelevant dinosaur of childish old hat, not wisdom, while at the same time using it for profit - much as the West does with everything it can get its eyes and hands on.


As I write 'eyes' I am struck by the similarity of emotions and vast lostness that Wu Ming-Yi conjures in the book 'The Man with the Compound Eyes'. This is a deeply environmental study - both emotionally and technically, but don't let that put you off it, as you dont realise that at first - only along the way in various aspects of the terrain described. But much of it is set at sea and on two islands - Taiwan and Wayo Wayo - a tiny island in the Pacific of fisher people, from where one character emerges. I felt seasick a lot of the time reading this book! Not because it describes storms all the time, but because of the dissolving, moving, dream-trance memories in the characters' emotions, as they deal, maybe dazily and unconventionally, with the practicalities of surviving in their current 'reality' frames. The indigenous tribes of Taiwan and Wayo Wayo are aborigional, so we are not so far from Oz here...


So in Oz, first there is the isolation and loneliness in the vast spaces empty of man- made acretions and then there is the guilt - both of which must be suppressed or driven away - at any cost...





Well if you read an anthropological aboriginal study 'Dingo makes us Human' by Deborah Bird Rose you understand how different from ours, family relations are in aboriginal life and ancient culture in Oz... They know the land, valleys, rocks and rivers and Dingo bore them and support them and they respect them. (I find a fascinating resonance here between the Dingo and the Egyptian Anubis). They relate to groups living in far distant tracts and visit for ceremonial reasons. I think that kept the gene pool clean too, rather than too much local intermarriage in small isolated tribal groups.


The head shape of many true breed Aboriginals is Neanderthal. Jean M Auel in her books about Earth's Children, in the Ice Age, explained how this brain still had a huge cerebellum - which remembered how to do essential stuff like build a hut, or a fish trap in a river - after only seeing it done once by someone - the inherited cerebellum stored memories were triggered.  Deborah describes this experience while living with aboriginals in the outback. They didn't have to 'learn' as Caucasian cerebral brains have to, from much repetition. Of course one of the reasons the Neanderthals died out, was that this cerebellum memory head got too big to be born - in Eurasia anyway.


Another wonderful thing about the ice age societies, this time the Caucasian cerebrum-brained lot, was that they recognised that when you become fertile at maybe 9 or maybe 12 or 13, you want to start practicing your most vital function of life-continuing love & attraction skills and enjoy them and not be told its illegal till you are 16. Significant that the West has degraded this to mere sex. And the Arabs are much worse. But the age ban turns many Western youngsters into wanking, virtual dreamers, consumers of sex toys and blow-up dolls and useless, non-functioners as real lovers.


The West wants their energy and to make obedient, dependent, frightened robots out of them - to produce consumerist junk for mere uneatable money.


They are  pretty useless at growing or finding their own food - as they have sat in front of a screen, learning aggression and competition and being programmed other junk, while being fed from phthalate-wrapped shop food and drinks - the bad plastics sabotaging immunity, and also full of de-bollocking Aspartame nerve-sheath destroyer, and so, they have zero hunting, fishing, gardening, farming or herb collecting experience, nor natural healthy medicines from herbs knowledge....They are aliens sitting around in front of 'Wrecknology'! (my word!) Teach your kids to help you garden, grow food, clean and cook from as early as possible I say!


Of course the prisoners and criminals sent to colonise Australia didn't understand the Aboriginal culture at all and have committed massive genocide over the years... The fencing of territory and stopping natives go to visit family and relations' lands in other territories, has destroyed their self-worth and blocked their connection to their land origins.


Alcohol has damaged them hugely. Their bodies - like Eskimos - cannot handle alcohol and instant alcoholic addiction and the destruction of communities has been the result in this additional way.

I have just been told a film has been made exposing the Whites' attitudes to the traditional practices. I haven't seen it yet, but I gather that government has put signs up saying they are paedophiles, and lists of rules - do's and dont's - around certain Aboriginal areas... I think that this must be because probably in Aboriginal culture, its fine, normal and natural to enjoy your body and your love life as soon as you are ready and able! - as did the superbly realistic, excellent, better-than-ours! culture of Ice Age Eurasian peoples. - Perversion and substitution with plastics and screens for an unreal, virtual, damaging non-love-life! - a non-sharing, non-communicative non-actual sexlife, didn't exist.


Since I started writing these thoughts, I have read Vladimir Nabakov's 'Lolita'. At first I didn't enjoy it!, and I thought I would not finish it, but he is such a brilliant writer, he drew me in with the tension, suspense, lyricism and humour of his writing. His word plays and character composite precis phrazes are often very funny... He manages to point out, just in passing, the connection in Therapist and The rapist... Of course the 'pro' does rape their subject of inner feelings and secrets! - That's the idea! and psychoanalysts are all nutters 'theraping' themselves legitimately, getting off on others neuroses and guilty secrets... only guilty because many of our society's religiously based laws are unreal and force people to be un-natural, self-doubting liars.


In Lolita I discovered many things I didn't know - That Dante's Bea was pubescent, as was Poe's Vee and Petrarch's Laureen was 12. That love and sexual affection  - not Arab forced rape - between father and daughter is fairly normal and not frowned upon in Sicily.


The name chosen of 'Dolores Haze' for Lolita, is significant - Dolores being pain, sadness and sorrow in Latin and Catholicism - and rudely changeable into a mere Doll! - and Haze being the screen behind which one needs to hide one's instincts of 'love' - and the greatest motivator (afer Ego - but same base cause!) - of life on earth in this otherwise - if no shared ecstasy - too much hard work body! ...


I will just finish this diversion on Lolita by saying that there is a superb review essay on it by Craig Raine (1994) at the end of the book. DONT spoil your own explorations as you read the book by reading that first! - but do read it after - to see what you may have missed. Vladimir's own 'Foreword' wont spoil the book for you though! - brill writing from Vlad again and all well placed in this Penguin edition!...


I digress -as I do - but there are connections between the worlds and eons! 

Back to Oz:


In addition to these insulting, dirty-word designation notices - irrelevant to an Aboriginal village culture - the white government has forcibly moved Aboriginal peoples from their lands to city suburbs and so they can only intermarry with whites or mixed origen folk and thus the original culture of the Aboriginals is being destroyed in many ways...


BUT! - The whites love the tourist attraction money-earning aspect of aboriginal culture - creating tribal dance shows for tourists and shops selling their art work and carvings. - How many are aboriginal owned I wonder ??? Ditto the companies that run visits to Caves with Aboriginal paintings in them - for foreign/white tourists to see?


I think deep guilt affects the whites in Oz and makes their drinking and drugging worse. But they will justify it as necessary, evolutionary 'progress'. Bah Humbug! I think it is still a 'criminal' behaviour we are too afraid and too entrenched in, to admit to, take stock of and unpick.


One Aboriginal territory was not enough to 'give back'. The problem is, ofcourse, we didn't know what we were destroying until we had done it and our excuse was always to view Aboriginals as a prehistoric, almost inhuman species - Animals.


A very different view of the power of group Aboriginal energy work, intuition and telepathy can be read in Graham Hancock's novel. 'The Eaters of Soul', I think its called but he changed the title at one point. Maybe 'Entangled'.


The Pleadeians also understand we have had our cerebellum memory=library trashed, by Alien/Caucasian breeding/control (Barbara Marciniak)-  and there is in any case no fossil record of Caucasians in Eurasia (Jean Auel et al)... So gotta be Aliens shipped here or seeded here - of various kinds, for many different of their needs and reasons! 


I return to my thoughts on Oz


                                Newena Martin    November 2014

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