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The Moon Goddess – An Invitation


This Goddess invites you

Take heart

Breathe deep and slow


Tonight I need you to worship

On the altar of my sex

Tonight is my celebration

Of my female miracle


My temple aches and cries

Howling futility to the moon


The moon is full but turning

Her body torn and listing

Bravely she sends out her aura

Trying to protect her hara

But her fierce joy is fading

Waving rhythmically away


My belly undulates gently

Quite involuntarily –

Longing - yearning for you

Totally in her sway.

No orgasm comes to release

The energy burning inside

No matter how many times

I try to fling open the door

To let the heat flow out

It’s trapped for want of you


This is no unimportant waffle

This is actually happening

Not created in my mind

Nor even my own desire! –

I’ve been bullied and badgered and busy

And I’m really very tired

Yet an open and sensitive channel

In tune with the moon Goddess


We could be together

Over the full moon time

To celebrate, to gather

And enjoy this sacred flow

Nothing is more important –

No car or wire or work

No trivial detail on the surface of life

Nothing is more real

Yet elusive, precious and passing


Will you worship on my altar My Lord ?

In a committed mensual ritual

Or will commercial schedules

Subvert our original rhythms? –

Thanksgiving and Baptism

In the Life Force is all


This Goddess invites you

Will you walk on the path with me?

Accompany me on this journey

Of earthed reality

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