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Sicilian Hosts

Gianni, The stay with you was the most relaxing of all, as no steps and no cooking!... THANKYOU FOR HAVING NO KITCHEN - IT GAVE ME MY FIRST BREAK FROM COOKING ! A PROPER HOLIDAY! The Beach was beautiful - must be the best beach in Sicily - for me anyway - I don’t like black sand!, nor vast miles of open beach either. I really like small coves that I know there are in Zingara! I loved your roof terrace. I got out of the wind for an hour's naked sunbathe up there and no one could see me! But I can see why you have to get away in winter with no fresh young people to interact with - and you have so much energy – and you also want to be away from family pressures/observations and schedules and obligations all the time ! - I think ! If I ever came back to Sicily it would be just to Pantalica and Cassibille - rivers which I didn’t get to and the weather/time of year was wrong for that - and to San Vito in August to the Jazz Festival and to stay at the camp site, - as I think your lovely big bed will be bursting with double booked Swedish girls wanting to pounce on you! and there will not be room for fat ladies from Malta in your summer high season... But I might do the jazz and camp site one year and claim a lovely hug again! In the meantime I hope your knee injections have worked and freed you from pain, but if you ever want to come and have a 'health resort holiday' - a week's daily zapping and some massages and reading and learning about it all, and seeing how I operate, here in Shropshire, you know you will be welcome. But you would need to pay for the herbs to do the Parasite cleanse and and maybe choose also some heavy metal chelator - Humet R... I am hoping you will see all these on the ‘Health Leads UK’ site catalogue and also maybe decide to send your saliva to be analyzed on the Syncrometer and that would tell you exactly what you have causing the pain - ie, which pollutants and which parasites, and the link to the Syncrometer testers are on the Clark site newsletter - But of course really you do need to read 'The Cure for all Diseases' to understand what it’s all about and get the whole picture of what we are dealing with here. I will forward the newsletter if you send me an ordinary email address for you, and I will try the hotel email - next job ! - tomorrow ! – I’m running out of steam catching up with all the emails ! There will be a 'Sicilian Saga' Travelogue in due course - but in the New year by the time I've written it... YOU MIGHT PRINT IT OUT ! - NOT TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME ON THE SCREEN ! and take it to your lovely roof or courtyard with a herb tea or a beer.... but nothing out of clear plastic – that gives you Benzene to your Thymus gland - remember ! I am writing to our government and telling them straight ! - if they seriously care about public health and not just profits from pharmaceutical bribes ! - they must immediately ban all plastic bottled drinks and go back to glass for everything. Benzene comes from oil and cars and clear rigid plastics, and it messes hormones and empowers the HIV virus (which needs and uses Benzene!) and will nest there IF you have Benzene in the gland - where it will migrate 'naturally'! - as it has a megahertz affinity with it - like a musical scale resonance - and, If you happened to pick HIV up from e g, an unsterilized salad - (sterilize that with Lugol's iodine solution) - or from a dog lick ! or a cat stroke ! - Anyway - enjoy reading it - when I've done it... It will be a New Year present ! But Happy Winter Solstice in the meantime! So. I'm sorry for the delay in doing your reference, and sending the book list - see my separate message, but maybe I will try sending these to your hotel email as well, as maybe they will come out strangely on the CS site message format. Anyway, it’s the first day I've opened the internet since I was at San Vito... and you know what I'm like! - I have to unpack, sort the washing, clean the house, shop and stock the fridge, but first of all, GET THE HOUSE WARMED UP AND TURN THE WATER BACK ON - WHICH KNOB I CAN HARDLY REACH AT THE BACK OF A DEEP CUPBOARD AT NEAR FLOOR LEVEL - ! - OUCH ! and SLEEP!!! and then on day 3 of being home, (last night) - go out and hear all my friends playing their wonderful music and then now, - I'm on the net! I spent a wonderful night in Erice after leaving you - at an ancient hostal, and met a young lady from South America called Elena who is studying Eco Agriculture research.. Then back to Viagrande, and the very last day I left for home in UK, I saw Etna from there. For the first time of all my 8 days in VG - 4 at the start and 4 at the end of my holiday. I had never realized how near under Etna we were in VG and even when I had walked up to Trecastells - one lovely sunny afternoon, Etna had still not been visible. Just a big grey cloud in that direction, so you don’t know she's skulking there ! I don’t like the energy around Etna! Then on my way home at last, once in Catania central Station, I took the local circular buses and then waddled! - slowly like fat duck! with all the gear!!! around the fish and food market - by the underground river again. The food - meats as well, made me want to stay in the hostal and cook! I was going to sing once more in the Duomo square but the street cleaning noisy machine arrived, so I went to sit on the church steps opposite the cocktail bar/hostal and ate my picnic of local Sicilian pie - with broccoli, tomatoes, meat, onions and cheese - very good local bakery offering from VG., and drank some honeyed latte in a fresh milk bottle I had made, and listened to some women harassing a poor hard working man from one of the stalls about wanting to go to Acireale! I took the circular back and went out to the airport and sat outside in grey veiled sun, - with the smokers!, finishing the travel picnic and watching Etna again and repacked my luggage into two bags and threw away the picnic containers etc. and then flew back to UK. I spent the night at Gatwick again, There is NO drinking water tap. They want to sell you Benzened plastic bottles. I'm writing to the airport authority to complain ! But the staff in Costa Coffee cafe gave me TWO big glasses of water! So I indulged in a Costa latte next morning and a very special mince pie - that's an English Christmas tart of dried vine fruits and spices, for 5 am breakfast, and then travelled up to Victoria on the first coach, and spent all morning in a corner of the huge Macdonalds in Victoria Shopping Arcade, doing my accounts! and ate a Breakfast brunch there at 10.30 am with UK pork and NO beef from South America as that’s made of torn up forest and OIL! and I have written a very rude song about that !- and I was so angry - as always - about the packaging... But it’s the only time I ever do this - and the Westminster library was closed on Sunday, so no internet to fill in the time. But I had my book and I dozed in the warm! - till the coach home to Shrewsbury at 13.00. 


When/if you come here, you can come by train from London faster and earlier if you want - there are many trains all day from Marylebone and I think also Euston options, but its more expensive, so I always use the coach.(2 per day) The coach has no changes, going through Birmingham, but it’s the same coach. Some trains are direct to Shrewsbury and some you have to change at either Wolverhampton or Birmingham. Birmingham - by the canal and the Art Gallery - that is the best place for lunch! - and near the new Symphony hall - it's about the 'Best of Brum' and is very lovely, but it’s 20 minutes’ walk from the coach and train stations. If you want, I can meet you there and show you, for your first day or leaving day. Let me have your news if you have time or are bored or static with the knee healing, ciao, baci, newena

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