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The miracle is how you dance

MMM! - I'm totally entranced

Leaf fingers flying free

And yet you stay so surely rooted


You are an oak tree to me

That cradles me so safe and free

Basket below, bower above

A perfect sphere of humming love


I dance above your roots

Drumming you love down below deep

I dance below your canopy

Spiraling singing up to your keep


I rest between your hemispheres

Breathing in your hissing kiss

And fly-dance all around above

And play the thermals of your love


I sleep-dream in your swaying arbors

And music stills my soul

Soft zephyrs whisper love to me

And mist us pole to pole


I wanna stay within your sphere

A whole cosmos to me

Where everything I'll ever need

Is bubbling, steaming there for me


Sometimes the wind and rain will rock us

Then ensues shamanic dance -

Cleansing, freeing every feeling

Till we sigh back down to balance


Sometimes the wind plucks me away

And flings me in the river's foam

But I can feel your warm roots guide me

I dive - you guide my way back home...

I dive, you guide - my way - back home


I was suffering from dental poisoning at this time, and used to go to sit beneath this oak tree - on a Telford traffic Island- ( large!!!) I have photos of it. I had been reading Taoist principles in the books of Mantak Chia, and seen the diagram of breathing with a tree's respiration patterns, and absorbing its energy in sync - as you can do with another person.

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