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Don’t let psyence interfere with the feels you’re feeling

Don’t let logic lead you down that rigid path of stealing

Does it feed you soul?  - Does that feed your soul?


To steal from you your passion, your vibrance and your heart

And turn you to a workhorse, a ghoul or a ro-bot

Does that feed your soul? – Does it feed your soul?


Don’t let psychiatrics tell you where it’s at

They lost the plot so long ago and leadly think in matt

Do they feed your soul? – Does that feed your soul?


The choice of word’s not arbitrary – Lead in paint was one

That killed our sensitivity – like solvents, metals – poison –

Do they feed your soul? – Did they feed your soul?



Side-step, kick it all away. Up-jump, leave it out today

Give government no energy – then they’ll die instead of me

Does that feed my soul? - Yes that feeds my soul


Why dig up lovely Mother Earth –

Wot you need oozes out her pores

Freely given for your health –

Light bio-sparkling in your cells

This will feed your soul – Yes this will feed your soul


Who needs diamonds that starve? -

They are gorgeous in the sky…

A house of leaf that gently fades

And grows a new house bye and bye

And these will feed your soul –

Yes those will feed your soul


Life is what your heart feels –

Depends on what you feed your cells

Cells send feeling messages –

Peace and love? or toxic spells?

And do they feed your soul?



Drips and drugs – Fiddle Twiddle –

Anybody in there still?

What are you made of? – Who are you?

Are you in control of you?

And does it feed your soul? - Does it feed your soul?


Can we find a careful way

To live for everyone?

Don’t let Psyence interfere –

It needs respect for what is here

And that will feed our souls –

Yes that will feed our souls…


Love on the Dope


Hope your life just gets so good

You aint got no time for dope

Where will all the good men go?

Sperm and interest? Nope Nope Nope!


That’s just what’s so sad about it –

Interest tweaked and that’s enough

To keep your feelings titillated

But it ends there – no real stuff


They don’t just go to war no more

They go many wasted places

Where’s a Queen to find a lover

Who can fly her to the spaces?


Yeah I know we’re goin’ down

And the Arab was too much

But he don’t smoke or drink and so

He could use – control the touch


Can be cruel – base chakra fix-ed

That’s the rub with 8 in KI –

Does it just to prove he can

Not to show his love for me


But once the coffee’s somewhat detoxed

And my charcoal fire was started

He would feed it – let it run

Its long full gamut till it’s done


There’s no perfection here he said

Gotta wait for heaven I ‘spose –

Wished I could combine your love

With his sexual overdose!


When I read some books they say

Men should think of something else

Nothing sexy – something boring

Then they’ll be there longer – storing!


I think that’s a real shame

And I prefer the Taoist game –

They just stay in ecstasy

And grin about it all the day


Anyway don’t waste your juices

Full of  zinc and vitamins

Hope you want to give us pleasure

While expanding yours at leisure


Ojas is the Lifeforce essence

Sparkling diamonds through your paths

Sacred spiralling geometry

Everything comes back to maths


Hulda Clark is using Hertz

To show us just what’s happening

Discovered DNA’s sweet minute

Maths and timing’s everything


What it is to be a woman

Cloth-ed in a male body

Wanna  be seduced yourself -

Inside out he begs for pleasure

I’m confused – don’t want to hurt you -

Or offend you – or be hurt.

I just know you give Love Divine

And want to fly with you entwined

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