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  The Love Famine.

   Questioning Gandhi.


Resurgence magazine devoted the January-February 2008 issue to Gandhi since it was the 60th anniversary of his assassination.


Gandhi's seven rules are undeniably valuable important moral guidelines - of their time. We are evolving all the time and just as we have been able to open our comprehension beyond Einstein, we are constantly searching to have an overview of how we think, and why, and what is motivating our feelings and therefore driving our actions, and therefore what may be relevant, needful and appropriate for 'where we are now'…


I ask if Gandhi loved the great gift of his body-temple in his incarnation?  Did he respect his wife's, and her needs? Especially did he worship there - as the female womb is a microcosm of the creative cosmic void, of resting eternities and explosive colourful celebrations. Did he recognise the moon magnet's control of their fluid ecstasies ? I don't think that the way he treated himself or his wife had anything to do with 'love'.


Gandhi was a product of his day. He lived a privileged life, patronised by a wealthy person whose money came from child labour and the children were poisoned in the dying vats. Did he stop that or change it? – No! He didn't seem to be interested in making his wife blossom with love every day, but he received frequent massage from someone else. He did great stuff, but we need to see his programming from the West, and in South Africa by reptilianly-run powers, getting, I think, un-balanced and sadly puritanical. It fatally affected his ability to love and accept himself in a way his own original culture might have shown him and the 'humility' became perverted into self-flagellation and disgust instead of joyous acceptance of the rhythm of life. Interesting how 'live' and 'love' are only 1 cypher different.

I know that when perverted, many Indian cultures allow chauvinistic sacrificial treatment of the feminine (only exposing their need and fear of its natural power) - I see his treatment of his wife was about fear, repression, guilt and control. Very western, very Greek, very reptilian…


Why did he have the Tantric sculptures hacked off the Hindu temples that showed the Gaian and Aboriginal dreamtime connections we have with pre-oxygen molecules of fluid life, (and also showed atomic patterns) - our total non-separation in the soup.....Maybe he had an inkling of the alien g.m.o.'ing we are products of – and indeed the experiment with Adam and Eve's progeny that led to Sodom and Gomorrah was in need of closure! - and was closed with 'The Flood’ - as our current depravity may soon be closed with a Gaianly controlled Glacial warming flood, et al…

Since writing this Love Famine, I saw a video, also on U tube, about a Guru whose death was filmed. He wanted people to give up physically loving each other - he called it by the Greek three letter word - saying it was no good. Immediately, there is a barrier - a problem created that exhibits a splitness and a denial of who we are - instead of a go with the flow joy in who we are. I do wish gurus would stop spending all their time here trying to be out of a body and teach us how to enjoy being in the body while we have the precious gift of it! Tribal peoples in touch with Gaia and Nature never worried about death. They knew they were going somewhere wonderful when they hopped out of a body, so what's the great fear about? – It’s about Pain and Disease while we are still in the body and disability and inability to enjoy our body's uniquely sensual and ecstatic gifts…

And perhaps this Guru is also a product of his time, as his stance is that of reacting to society's current disrespect, degradation and dis-empowerment of sacred physical love and that's what he's actually commenting on, but like Gandhi, he cannot see its sacredness at his point in history, due his programming…

So I want to talk about 'Pleasure without Conscience'
What do we perceive as pleasures and why?

Before there were shops, apart from the cat or lion who walked by himself, many people often slept close together - like monkeys or puppies in piles or birds in nests and made love without drugs and followed their moon magnet fluid inspirations - the rising and falling of ecstatic energies - that are in natural harmony with cosmic geo-magnetic vibrations. Therefore there was no excess or imbalance.

How and Why has pleasure come to be bracketed with guilt and control?


If you are beautifully relaxed and happy from a tactile security and breathing peacefully close to your parents, brothers, sisters or friends, making love whenever inspired and your body tells you this is good and right and natural, and sleeping 'The Sleep of the Loved', you wake gently and move about slowly and peacefully, calmly and meditatively going about the daily necessities of feeding yourself, and appreciating everything around you that supports you and offering thanks and ritual actions that show your care and thanks, in every detail you attend to and movement you make. This is total Ioga, Union, Connection,

Daily–All Day Yoga.

Like Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi had some western education and I believe it tarnished his eschewed original tantric Hindu understandings. I disagree that “when satisfied, one desire leads to another”... has to be necessarily expressed in the negative way that it is on page 11, paragraph 2.


If we had the leisure to discover for ourselves - but this would only happen in an uncontaminated, non-consumerist environment of course - or we were educated and enlightened to understand the un-rushed, natural rhythms in harmony with many geo magnetic and moon energies, we would enjoy this sine wave of desire, celebration, decay, hibernation and replanting as the 'Nam Myo Renge Kyo', encapsulates for us - among other vast concepts. We would welcome this in ourselves, as we welcome the Gaian cycles of seasons and recognise that without desire there is no joy in living and no fruiting - we become mere replicating robots - the reptiles wish! There is a muddle here between the consumerist desires they programme us with incessantly and so desperately in their jealousy, and the cyclical joy of desire and excitement and the blissful dreaming, floating cosmic resting in the sleep of the loved, that is the life-spring of creation in whatever fractal form. 

The repression of loving inspirations and then resultant substitution with costly and unhealthy consumerist toys, has somehow been laid over us, programmed into us by the agenda of greed and jealousy of a luciferianly-put-together energy-body that does not give respect to love's natural cycles.

Grand Creator is not yet pleased enough with her creations to be able to leave them self-balancingly evolving - slowly enough for members to be able to enjoy the evolution without pain. But Grand Creator is only interested in pleasure. How else would she want to experience herself fractally ? Joy is creative. Love is Creative. Love is Joy.

The reason we need to return to the nest and that earthing, nurturing pile of warmth, breathing and touching together and take all the gifts of pleasure that life offers us, is because without that, the disconnection will make us sick, and yearn to die or hide in drugs and feeling stuff-downs, just as baby monkeys die if you isolate them from others to snuggle with, despite food and warmth.

There will be no excess of pleasure, if the body experiencing it is healthy and not distorted with either drugs, nor a puritanical sackcloth and ashes, work and sacrifice ethic, that issues out of the many Hitlerianly, Hittite/Hyksos patterned regimes that have been imposed upon us over millennia. Mel Gibson's 'Apocalytpo' showed us the drug distorted, megalomaniac gibbering greed and fear of another religion in another part of the globe.


We will naturally know we have made enough love, and in a slow motion dreamlike state of ecstasy, move into other activities, sharing them the more happily and less competitively, with those close to us, than if there had been no glue of love and touch, and silent, sleeping exchange of information.

If that slow motion, in-flow idea irritates the hell out of you, consider your programming to be self-evident and that maybe your Pitta and Vata elements are out of Ayurvedic balance.

Imagine and feel through this way of living and immediately you are jolted with the utter stark contrast of how most western humans live today: Gregorianly time- scheduled into far more than 9-5 hours to make money and pay bills for a roof over their heads and food to eat and a desperate search for substitute pleasures in plastic blow up dolls and dildos, gels, porn and base-only chakra orgasms as quick fixes, that are a million miles away from the gentle, sine-wave flow of love ecstasy that can be a permanent state - and certainly lasts for a couple of days, and yet provides perfect mental focus when required - after giving into, instead of curtailing and resisting - the healing, mind-emptying 'sleep of the loved.'

Tribal peoples need only labour a few hours a day to feed themselves seasonally and have much time and energy left to celebrate the richness of their manifestation here in a body with 'culture', - music, dance, song, poetry, crafts and costumes, masks and paint, carving and sculpting, talking and story-telling, sharing food and healing herbs - knowledge turned into wisdom and made manifest as art and craft.

It is only the reptilian greed and deprivation that pushes people into asking for more and more quick fixes because the kind they are getting are so limited, un-enlightened and therefore un-satisfying in the first place, partly due to lack of time for relaxation, and lack of access to respected sacred information..

I not only question Gandhi's sackcloth and ashes attitude and his programming by the alien race that altered our DNA to turn us into ant-robot workers for them in a matrix, but I know that every religion has been put in place for the same reason, unless, like Tantra, Taoism and Paganism, it is totally connected with the cosmic creative energy and Gaian wholeness,- expressed by that four letter word I call Love.

The cold, Greek, clinical, words for parts of the body, contrast starkly with the beautiful, poetic, spiritual, respectful Sanskrit words. (and complete concepts). *** - the three letter word I refuse to use, a word that separated out a fraction of a biological function from the whole temple it resounds in.


I think it was also in Resurgence I read about that famously fatal Greek dialogue.... when the Greek who encapsulated (chicken boxed!) that 'non-ethos' that has continued to rape the planet and spiral down the human demise of degradation and distortion for in-edible, un-lovable profits, said he never studied nature or walked in the woods because it could teach him nothing, whereas studying people in the city would teach him what he wanted to know, - i.e. how to manipulate and control them for his supposed pleasure?

I question this concept of pleasure:
It is very deliberately limited and contortedly forced on us through programming, - a lot of it through deliberate language re-programming.


If you have read The Da Vinci Code, now go to 'The Expected One' by Maureen Magowan and put some other-side-of- sphere pictures into your religious cosmic jigsaw!

Please go to my prose poem "Where am I?' written 20 years ago, - a channelled and observed 'feeling' wisdom, before I read anything from Gandhi, The Dalai Lama, Sri Aurobindo, Barbara Marciniak, Daskalos, Dervla Murphy, Rupert Isaacson (The Healing Desert ? A Kalahari desert - shaman story), Eckhart Tolle and many and various other Gurus, and psychic chanellers in between, and contrast it with " Who are You ? " - written yesterday.

There is a love famine, but not of the purely airy-fairy, non-physical kind of love that some energy entities would have you uselessly, futilely and sick-makingly aspire to cut yourself off with, from the neck down. Many alien races or energy entities are necessarily jealous of our sensuous and sensual abilities and our ways to access the cosmic love force of gentle, healthy, ecstasy though sharing our energies and touch with one another, and so do all in their power to prevent us from fulfilling that birthright....

If she is a love Goddess, they label a woman a whore or a slag and if he's a Love God, a man is a vulture or a stud. But there's something acceptedly 'cool' and grin-worthy about the male version – as long as he does it with cavalier uncaring, and emotions switched off - but that's definitely not granted to a woman in this still patriarchal and chauvinistically run planet-control society.


Even the word 'cool' - Why did it become fashionable? It implies half dead, - not INSPIRED, not deeply breathing, not energetic, but unemotional, robotic, intellectually analytical and not heart directed.


In your mind, through the fear and murder of religious persecutions, they turned love into possession and ownership and stuffed it into a box called 'marriage' - that is all about managing estates and possessions and adding to them at other people's expense, and putting your real, day-to-day feelings of love in the sweet tin until work and money has been submitted to  and the TV programming is finished - if you are not too tired and disillusioned by that time and worrying about getting up in time for the repeat rat race next morning !

The Tavistock Clinic teaches the chicken-boxing-up and separating and it comes from the top. The reptilian alien management patterns are right down through the education and management systems. Gandhi could not help but be tainted by his western education. Teaching schizophrenia and separation from himself and his sacred, beautiful and amazing body- temple.

The medical profession is psychopathic. I have written sketches to reveal this - 'The Coil' , 'Cell Talk' and 'Changing Technology - a nappy tragedy', - and we need to re-teach love skills in schools, not mere biological separationist analysis in order to do obscene, perverted, voyeuristic things to bodies that are being regarded as objects instead of spiritual and sacred divine temples in which every cell has its own brain, feelings and innate wisdom and vibrates, not just in base-chakra pleasure sensations, but all through the chakras, - connecting us back to the maths that precipitated us down here.


Our Health Regulations come from the Greek, and are symbolised by a reptile. Professional devotees of Asclepius are made to swear an oath that they will never 'promise' a cure. Today it is still illegal to say you can cure cancer, and yet everyone from Max Gerson to Dr Hulda R. Clark has done so and I owe my life to her. – Why don't more people know about her ? Because she is regularly dis-informed about, diluted and disempowered therefore, suppressed and maligned by the pharmaceuticals quack busters. But to me Dr Clark is an 'angel of light' - of Love, compassion, honesty and brilliance, spearheading safe and pain free healing technologies and understandings that are 20 years ahead.


Compare the Rule of 'Ma'at' of the Ancient Egyptians, whose Alien Originators were, I believe, more loving caring Gods and Goddesses. Isis and Osiris didn't suffer from prudery. They were brother, sister, and lovers. The Love, support and commitment was what was important, and the Shiva/Shakti interconnected interdependency similarly expressed that. Women in this ethos were respected as equal. Nakedness was considered beautiful and sacred. Marriage un-necessary. Love an Art. Their doctors, who might be female, said 'This is a disease I know and can cure” and they did too, with everything from plastic surgery with anaesthetics, to comparative organ pulse-taking using a wrist worn water clock (similar to Ayurvedic skills, this). Many herbs, plants, flowers, trees, barks, spices, seeds, nuts, fruits, aromatherapy oils, minerals,  venoms, dungs, clays, silts, foods, and dietary disciplines were used,  If a doctor could not promise a cure, they told the person why and usually this was because of their own resistance to being cured or lack of self-discipline. “ Greed is a disease I cannot cure”. But massage was recommended ideally every day!


Stone oil (petroleum) was known and forbidden as they already knew it gunked up lungs and made people sick. 


Money was also known and forbidden and later insinuated into Egypt by Greeks and related cultures. The word for money meant 'The Twisted One' because it had no real value or use for a person or animal.


How far have we slid from that great Heart integrity directed rule of Ma'at - a rule of full blooded love and respect for love, to our sick, Greek intellectual, psychopathic sterility?? It was interesting to note Andrew Kimbrell's positive explanation in March/April Resurgence article -'Natural Law' - of its Greek origin, but that is completely opposite to what the ethos that the famous dialogue exposes that I mention above, and to the fear-inducing insurance policy of cynicism of the Asklepion oath.


I loved Madhu Suri Prakash's article (Jan/Feb issue) about the need to look at taking responsibility for our own shit and getting eco on loos.....The Resurgence article writer wants us to get real with the anal chakra waste disposal stuff and I agree utterly with that - but if you bypass the base chakra of powerful love energy, the creative fire chakra, the love chakra, and don't connect it with all the temple chakras to be in divine love - bliss and ecstasy, (that's not a toxic poisonous drug!), then you are not really motivated, empowered or eye-opened to be bothered, - are you? - Because it's too near the nerves of other things you are being programmed to cheat on and substitute for - things that you are 'not dealing with', with acceptance and enthusiasm - for many programmed reasons! - It's simply too much labour when there is no 'love' to inspire each daily rebirth....Why should you labour for severely curtailed  un-natural 'pleasure?'... It’s become perversion and your cells all know it.


Without that earth-touch-love-bliss, it becomes a 'grind!!!'- a chore and a bore. That's not what life is really supposed to be like, or has to be like - so throw away all the guilt and control programming... 'Osho' your feelings.


This resonates very strongly with the previous Resurgence issue where Satish Kumar talked about a completely new stance and attitude to create new ways of being - economies and local community systems, that are not about rocket science expansion, but about love and nurture and natural sufficiency, and cooperation instead of competition. Ram Dass talks about - 'Everybody training' instead of (the reptilian) 'Somebody training'.  Then there is no need for guilt, 'conscience' and deprivation. There is just endless, natural, healthy, sine wave, cyclical and infinitely varietal pleasure. What's truly good for me is also truly good for you. We have been deliberately programmed into an either/or, competitive mindset.


I was recently appalled to discover we now have a 'Minister for Competition'. Who the hell! (I use the word advisedly!) devised that post? We need a minister for cooperation.

The Orion symbolism is poignant. Brother and sister, lovers, wife and husband, mother and child, (mother and son! - that those damn western engineering Greeks turned to a forbidden tragedy, but Nancy Friday in 'Men in Love' reveals as something very different),- father and child, - ANY people, - what does it matter? (see my poem 'Evolution'), as long as there is love felt, enjoyed, experienced, fulfilled and renewal made. And sometimes it is only the jealous pointing finger that afterwards besmirches what was experienced as pleasure and nurture.


Even the horrendous 'pain and punishment for money and survival' message of Will Smith's 'The Pursuit of HappYness' had the saving grace of father and child love. But a sadly neat comment was the scene of spending the profit of 'a sale' (at last!) on one night in a hotel, where they fell asleep in front of TV wittering on, in an expensive armchair.... never even made the bed!- Somehow that undermined and invalidated the caring and closeness that had been shown when they fell asleep together riding the all night underground trains and in the public loo. I am sure that hotel dosh could have been spent on something more important for a hungry homeless pair, like a basic hostel and several days fresh food. But the message was strong - “Is this the only way to be? and Why am I struggling to be a somebody in a system like this?” And how sad to be alone and without friends in that vast city full of people - all also mostly in fact really very alone, or in defensive little clumps.


The Y is misspelt and commented on quite deliberately, I think, it's an honest sub-comment.... WHY do we have to pursue, instead of just BE - Allow - go with the flow? The Y is also the male symbol of the broken female chromosome.


I once did some work for an excellent environmental organisation 'Green Light Trust', that has helped an indigenous tribal people to hold onto primary rainforest that was threatened by loggers, and the whole culture and lifestyle that it sustains therefore, and also they have planted thousands of trees with local children here in UK.


They run excellent awareness-raising and fund raising workshops in schools - about that culture they helped save from extinction. Some of the people who gave the workshops, had been to the forest to really understand it and experience it first hand, and that really did give huge power to their work with the children here. But a very telling moment occurred in a break once, when one of the workshop facilitators (who also had their own business in London, running a Pilates and movement Studio), commented crossly about tribal daily habits... “There was an awful lot of sitting around under a tree chewing betel nut!” … 

I was too young to recognise it at the time, but afterwards it occurred to me…  wasn't that quiet time for dreaming, listening and watching, a nature-communicating lifestyle, part of what they were trying to preserve from extinction?- not just the trees and the birds of paradise, but a whole way of being that was not destroying the planet and was not stressful?...


I want to make an aside about smoking here. Another very serious thinking person I know, who is an inventor, recycles everything, and cooks organically, and makes his own bread and so on and he smokes a pipe. He tried to give it up and succeeded for many months. But in the end he chose to go back to it because he said he couldn't think clearly and sharply any more. So apparently nicotine is a left brain stimulant of the analytical kind and a right-brain-dumb-down. Please watch/read Jill Bullt's 18 minutes on U tube TEDs about having a stroke and verbalising the experience as a qualified neuro-brain scientist. I think it significant that her haemorrhage occurred in her obviously over-used left brain!, and forced her to rest it for many years!


Anyway, this push to be analytical and intellectual at the expense of our dream-time connective side, was also true of the angry person doing the workshop, who was quite a smoker! I think that tobacco has been a deliberate part of our wind-up-to-work-and-worry, just as hemp harvest was deliberately cut from our culture. Not that I endorse any drugs at all. I don't. If it's addictive, it's not a good idea, is my maxim - having had my home trashed 9 times by people I love, who start with dope and end up on other things. Anyway the dope is no longer mother nature's 'herb'- it's something g.m.o.'d, fed poisons hydroponically, and cut with crap - and as the article on Coca explained: Coca (as Gaia invented it) is their culture and cocaine is the West's perverted problem…

Interesting also, how smokers always crave a fag immediately after making love (or indulging in a dose of that cold, clinical, separated, Greek three letter word function that they may opt to describe it with) The nicotine will bring you back to the left brain with a bump and waste all the lingering, long and lovely extended dalliance in the right brained bliss that love as opposed to mere *** may bring you.


Anyway, asides over, but all connected of course!!...


Happiness is there all the time, we just put blinkers on and refuse to welcome it with both arms. We put it off - do a dance around it, proscribe it with all sorts of silly ego-massaging rules, hide it in the sweet tin for another day, when it might be melted, mouldy, stale or simply inappropriate, because we have been programmed to be afraid and trained to push it away! That film is yet another reptilian programming tool for acceptance of the whole competitive ambition/dream set-up and it tells you only a few can escape and the rest must stay in the verminized state = False dreams and destructive and fatal control programming for most of us.


The elite of shareholders and company directors who live in a surplus of material gadgetry and freedom from debt on the backs of something totally unreal or totally planet-rapist that has to be SOLD, would be quite terrifying to me, if I believed I had to buy into it.


What is currently terrifying me is the mix of small particulates of barium, cadmium, aluminium, magnesium and moulds with infected blood cells, cloaked parasites/stages/viruses and bacteria, hybrid chlamydia and nano-particled substances hosted in synthetic fibres, that is being sprayed on us daily here, in any good calm weather we might have, and is also changing the atmosphere magnetically, electrically - plasmically.   


I don't know how to stop these sprayings because few people are even daring to acknowledge them yet, and government are in denial they exist. They are not filtering, containing and monitoring particulates from incinerators either, and empowering Veolia to install them instead of autoclaving and much better, and more, recycling. These incinerators are in themselves messages to us that connect with the spraying....


The people doing it, either have somewhere else to go, (near Plasma Gasification in nice climates??? - or another planet? - or underground cities in the earth's crust - with bio-spherian air quality control? - the hollow earth? or many big space ships?) – or do they need the atmosphere changed to suit their own special genetics - or they are just dumbing us down, so about 2012, we can be shovelled into those incinerators up the road with less effort. So they actually worry about tidying up before or after they sod off to their protected alternative environment? That in itself shows they haven't entirely escaped their own programming and is equitable with flushing your shit down the loo - out of sight - out of mind, and not being responsible enough to look at it and to recycle it with respect and care. I wanted my almost entirely organic body to be planted under a honeysuckle, rose or sweet smelling philadelphus or an orange tree, and to give people pleasure or nurture and remind them of me with a smile. What now isn't organic of my body is medications and from force fed pollution. But is there any point in making burial plans in view of what I see as the possible demise of the planet around 2012? 


If we only have 3 plus years left till the asteroid hit or the Return of the Gods or the icecap-melt new Noah's flood, then we should surely forget the work ethic and make as much love as possible. You can send telepathic distance healing and love from your finer vibration in other dimensions, but you cannot make love as a human is able to do, in a non-human-manifest vibration! - Neither can you do this if you are unhealthy or mentally re-programmed and changed through pollution into finding perversions pleasures, and in ignorance of the original meaning of the word ecstasy.


Many animals get 'inspired' (passionate!) 'enthusiastic' when they mate. (How un-cool of them!) Elephants and slugs may merge together in their communications and sharing of breath and Ojas Juices, for 3 days. But I was inadvertently exposed to a very elegant Polish modern film in which people were depicted coupling without even looking at each other, as if the other didn't exist. Beautifully artistically filmed in a posh, cold, impressive place like an old library or something, but utterly chilling and nauseating as a base-only-chakra semi-pornographic NON-love scene.


I see a similar two-facedness with the Body Shop. I think what Anita did with suppliers and fair trade and natural ingredients is brilliant, but why, then, do I find SLS and SLES and propylene glycol and other bad stuff, listed in un-readably small print in most of their products? - as far as I am concerned they are contaminating those beautiful natural ingredients?


I was disturbed to see Resurgence endorse CAFOD. Yes of course we should help third world people have a clean water source, and help them plough with simple ploughs, save eye damage and fuel with the locally made clay stoves, re-educate them as to forgotten indigenous plant foods (weeds!) - like the Amaranth in South America and of course 'recycle a goat' is, I think, brilliant and best.


Yes, to read and write is good, but not if the brain balance becomes manipulative and the main reason is to sell these people the Western sickness of consumerism through colourful ADHD inducing TV programs and computer limited thinking and leading them to ignore their indigenous ancient knowledge.


I read in nearly every paragraph/gift to give, in the CAFOD leaflet that the aim was for these people to grow food to export to make money? - THAT IS CRAP ! AND MAKES ME SO ANGRY. They should be empowered to grew food for themselves of a rich diversity and not to export to us! And money is the twisted one they don't need to be finally contaminated with.


The argument that they can’t grow everything they need is surely false - when to me the only good use of plastic would be for Eden domes. With those and permaculture, then you can grow everything you need or want. We should have many Eden Domes in every county and new laws forbidding transport of any thing, ingredient or part more than ONCE, more than 100 miles. The transport should be in electric powered vehicles with EcoTricity new wind power. That would provide healthy new jobs and a local economy. We could even trade in goods and skills again as ancient Egypt did.


LETS schemes only fail because the law doesn't support them and the range of stuff people produce at home is inadequate and limited. I do know one person who paid his council tax bill for the year by selling surplus veg. from his allotment. I think he should have been not only excused council tax, but paid a carbon wedge bonus of something  he needed and couldn't currently produce for himself.


Resurgence is So great and the only magazine I ever recommended to anyone. Please don't get contaminated. Just read the CAFOD leaflet with this perspective and see what I am pointing out, to save me typing it all in and underlining the export/money end-aim bits. Thankyou.


I was going to write the comments about CAFOD, as a separate letter to you, but it followed on from Gandhi's patron's double standard…


So just to finally return to my main theme of 'The Love Famine'...

We need to evolve and move on from people who did as much as they could in their day and of their age, and in their historical and religious context were ground breaking and courageous. We need to heal the Love Famine, not just in virtual, airy-fairy ways! We will not do that by allowing the media machine to program us into talking about it in dirty, vulgar, bathotic, voyeuristic, cold, clinical, separationist,(divide and conquerist!) three letter Greek words and allowing the jealous agenda that is also in control of our breathing! it now seems, to dirty up the power of sacred, physically-expressed love and nurture. (As they tried to with 'The Da Vinci Code', for example...another instructed little piece of programming as EDUtainment). 


Please read Claude M Steiner's 'A Warm Fuzzy Tale' - to yourself and your children – It’s vital. Think about publishing it? Share it!

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