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Languorous in his Loveliness – Taurus


Languorous in his loveliness he lies -

Head turned to one side on the pillows -

Silver gold lashes asleep on his cheek


A soft muzzle broadening strong

Curves desirously down -

Delicately underlined

By the sinuous snake

Of a sensuous mouth


I look with love and remember how

Resting strongly planted on his forelegs

He bends his great head to drink

And mouth away the springing herbs

To suck the salty nectar underneath

And how he rises between powerful shoulders

Dripping, breathing, snuffing, sighing

From my secret marsh


Eyes open and the great head rolls slowly towards me

 The sinuous snake flickers into greeting

The eyes - when they open - are full of a clear, pale blue light -

Faceted with platinum and flecked with gold

And encircled with a halo of gilded silver waves


How gloriously, Oh God, have you evolved your creation! -

From an earthy, velvet skinned and gentle monster

To a shimmering metallic etherous entity

And how brilliantly do you present your sixth element

Of Japanese Nine Star Ki -

How gloriously, Oh Grand Creator –

The metal mountain


    You sigh an inspiration of soft satisfaction


I am honoured, Oh Minotaur, you have the courage

To venture into Ariadne’s cave

And plumb her depths for the vibrant gels

Pulsating there

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