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               Cell Talk – An Inside Story


Ted  Hey, Harry ! We got a delivery coming !

Wonder what we’ll get this time !


Harry (calling from the next room) OK Ted, I hear you…

I’m waking up !


Ted (shouting to him) How d’you feel today anyhow ?


Harry (calling back) Oh… uh-uh, so-so, bit drained y’know after yesterday’s delivery.


Ted Well, let’s hope we get good supplies this time !


Harry (coming to Ted) I can hear it rumbling !

(They both look up at the ceiling)


Ted  Look! - here it comes !


Harry Looks like worms !- white worms !


Ted  Ah well, this guy never chews anything up-

chucks it all down like coals down a coal hole !


Harry  He doesn’t seem to know we haven’t got any teeth down here in this department !¬ You’d think he’d realise it’s hard for us to grind it up at this stage.


Ted I don’t know - what do they teach them at school these days !- UNchewed,- half the enzymes are missing and it goes through in great lumps that we can never get to the middle of and so half of it doesn’t get properly utilised... such a waste of supplies !


Harry  Well, actually, in this case it’s probably just as well he hasn’t chewed it!, ‘cos it looks like another dose of the same junk we got last time !... Oh my God here come the colours –  Allura Red, Fast Acid Green, Carmine Indigotine, Sunset Yellow etc. etc. etc. I’ve got a headache ! - It’s those bloody Polish noodles again. Trouble is, you don’t need to chew these coloured sauces, they just ooze everywhere so you can’t avoid them – bloody reptilians make sure of that ofcourse !


Ted  How does a human being come to be so ignorant in the 20 century ?!


Harry  Oh come on, you know that ! - quite deliberately planned to be so – been building up over millennia, - ever since we started evolving, the brighter we got, the harder they had to work to hide the truth – but the good guys just never saw it coming till recently. So it’s like you just said, what Do they teach them at school these days !


Ted  Quite so, exactly… They made that feeble, pretend sort of token stand against the munchy-crunchy, mouldy food-lube, isopropyl alcohol brigade, but they didn’t tell ‘em the real truth - did they? - The Five a Day!?!  – The Five a Day have got waxes and colours, although not quite as many as Polish noodle sauces perhaps, but fuck all nutrients in ‘em anyway, unless they’re really and truly organic.

 (Ted presses a switch and speaks into a microphone)

Hello Stores, Hi Chaps - what can you let us have? - We need B vitamins - all of them of course, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamins A, C and E….

 (an interrupting answer is heard over loudspeaker system).


Stores  Sorry mate, Everything’s fresh out, - been running on emergency for weeks, - we do send reports about this to HQ every day you know. And HQ has been sending out headaches and bad moods and attention deficit problems, and aggression and depression, to try and get the message through, but to no avail apparently, for all the difference it’s made… But I’m afraid the net result is, the adrenaline’s been pumping and the hormones are depleted and toxaemia is immanent. We only got through yesterday because we had a bit of something useful come in and we managed to make a few basics out of it.


Harry  Yeah! - and that bit was a bit of a lucky rarity too – somebody must have been trying to help this geyser and given him something useful to eat for a change.


Stores  Yeh, but it’s all used up, all gone mate and that’s it mate!


Ted  (presses another switch and speaks into the mic.)

Red alert!  Red alert to Liver Door Security! Prepare your nuclear waste bunker to receive an unprocessed toxic delivery.

(a reply is heard from the Liver Door Security)…

Liver  OK mate, but it’s getting pretty full down there, couldn’t you divert this one somewhere else?


Ted  We HAVE been, mate– we’ve sent parcels of toxic waste all over the body – feet, spine, armpits, testicles, breasts, womb, knees, base of skull, even a few bits gone to various parts of the brain, - this guy’ll be having a seizure if the flow of shit doesn’t stop.


Liver  Well you’d better talk to HQ -  see what the top brass have got to say…


Ted  (pressing another switch and talking to Liver HQ).

Greetings Maam, we need consultation and some instructions from you, Maam. - Our systems are breaking down for lack of good supplies and the overload of toxic deliveries.


Liver HQ  Hello Ted, Hello Harry, - Yes, I know, and I’m so sorry for your pain, and I thank you so much for all your stalwart efforts and continued loyalty to this body. We have been monitoring the situation, and we hear you, but regrettably we have to inform you that we cannot manufacture all the necessary amino acids etc. without sound supplies. We have come to the end of our options and we recommend you take disciplinary action on the driver and refuse these toxic deliveries. Because if it doesn’t stop, we’re going on strike, and getting cancerous. We’re solid with kidney stones from fizzy drinks and tea, and with chaff from refined bad fats. We’re overrun with parasites and endless egg stages, nesting and blooming in every little lump. They love it – it’s their food, They’re having a party down here in the cemetery, but we cannot cope with them anymore - running all over the shop like a hoard of ants in everything, pissing out ammonia and changing the DNA of our cells….

We cannot make new good cells anymore.


Harry  You hear that Ted?... We’ve gotta do something to tell this guy – give him a warning.

Ted  Well let’s make him be sick then - to reject the delivery.


Harry  Oh, but Ted, we have tried that before - you know that - he hasn’t ever taken the slightest bit of notice - so far.

Ooohaah! - I’m just so fed up of working my ass off for an asshole…  (pauses) Hey, Listen- I’ve got another suggestion… (pauses) Why don’t we just let the silly sod have what he wants. If he passes out and they cart off to hospital, they’ll put him in a wheel chair… on a drip … give him chemo,  and loads of jabs. He’ll think it’s all terribly cool! - Let the reptiles have their wicked way with him and profit from his pharmaceutical tweaking. He’ll soon give in then, and then I can give my poor, beautiful, struggling, life-force spark, my lovely cell energy, to a new spirit. Oh Great Mother and Grand Creator, find me an angel to work for and fuel…. My skills and chemistry know-how, acquired over millennia of your evolutionary teaching, deserve better than this!


Ted. Oah - naaah, mate – doesn’t work that way, mate - he’ll love it! - All the attention - young nurses - young porters, getting manhandled and woman-handled – legally - and free!... I mean after all, there hasn’t been any good love going on with this body, to send any really nice healthy feelings round our cells, has there ? He never loves and touches anyone and he never gets touched and loved – we never get any nice feelings from love do we - soothing our cells and giving us a bit of bliss? - All we get is another dose of Benzene from the sacred centre from gels and plastics and other crap.


Harry  ‘Spose your right  - I mean that’s another thing - they don’t teach you how to do that with other human beings in school either, do they! - They teach you medical mechanics, in cold Greek language, like the robotics of reproduction - like a machine - but they don't teach you about the bliss of sharing your cosmic temple energy in beautiful Sanskrit poetry, do they?... In fact they’re legislating against touch in every direction, so you daren’t even begin to find out how that works -  Uuuh! - And yes, - he’ll get a Lift-up bed too! - A mobility scooter? - a stair lift? - manicure and pedicure paid for by the National Death Service? – Naah! - You’re right - he’s not gonna give up on all that after a short lifetime of deprivation, is he? He’ll hang in there till the last bloody gasp, but we’ll still be here, trying to deal with all the drugs and extra toxins they put in - as well!!


Ted  Oh Great Mother, what’s this coming down now? -

Oh fuck - it’s a fag! (Calling into the microphone) - Calling Stores and Liver HQ - you need Glutathione, Selenium if it’s not too late, and everything you can lay your sparks on…

Duet/triplet reply from Liver HQ, Liver Security Gate

& Stores.

This starts sounding like a Dalek speaking but gradually becomes a dreamily human voice...

“We cannot do this. We are quitting. We are closing down.

We have had instructions from Gaia, not to accept this abuse any more. We are going - to give our energy to an entity that will use it well and produce happy vibrations and much ecstasy so that Paradise on Earth will be re-instated, and idiots like this will not be able to reproduce.”


Ted  Ah well – I can't say I’m sorry they’re turning the energy supply off – I really have had enough of this particular assignment. I’m looking forward to a nice, rejuvenating, relaxing holiday, building up my sparks and then perhaps thinking about working again - for a more evolved spirit next time!


Harry  Yeah - me too Ted.

(They settle back in their chairs, resting their heads on cushions and putting their feet up on two pretty little padded stools - brought in and placed for them by two drone cell robots - and close their eyes, and smile dreamily) ….

Aaah! – Ted - before you drift off –  I just had a thought – when HQ said “won’t be able to reproduce” – do you think that’s part of the reptile plot too? - Like you said there’s been no good love vibes going on in this body, just very unsatisfying, synthetic, toxic substitutes, and maybe that’s why he uses all those things, and the programming is so insistent and constant, he can’t ever see and feel his way out of the matrix maze.


Ted  Well, you could be right, because although the reptiles are profiting from humans and using them like worker ants, they don’t worry about them not being able to reproduce any more, because they can clone things if they want to and they can make sort of Teflon robots that look like humans as well - they can do all that stuff….  But no, I think the main reason for the programming is for their fear-food supply for their dinners of fear every day – you know they live off that stuff like humans are supposed to live off love, or sheep liver fluke live off Nickel. They just make it in different flavours for every day.... You know - Monday’s dinner is mortgage-repayment-worry flavour, with a Council tax corner for desert. Tuesday’s dinner? – oh - possible redundancy at work, or a beastly boss, and Wednesday? - Oooh, Bank Charges and Debt Repayment problems and a ghostly-ghoul, credit-card-corner for desert, and Thursday? - Oh, all the stress brings bad health so you’re in fear about that. You feel so grotty, and then there’s waiting lists to go into dirty, infected hospitals for the fruity corner desert…


Harry  Yes, Yes - and now it’s Friday and the weekend’s coming and he wants some pleasure and release and relaxation from all that shit, and what happens? - A HUGE dinner of fear about HIV and Aids stops him doing anything really nurturing - or if he does, it’s all messed up with condoms – filled with garage floor degreaser of course to increase your infection risk! – Aah Yeah! – They were SO clever when they got Sodium Lauryl Sulphate destroying our natural skin immunity into every bubble bath, shampoo and cleanser, and filled up the condoms with it as well!


Ted  Yeah…so that’s a no-no and disappointing, and gets all stuffed down, so then they’re into the alcohol, the fags and the drugs and all the lousy hangover effects and the health fears are even bigger. – What a plot - EH! – Can’t fail to get their dinners of fear every day can they!...

Oh, I can feel I ‘m chipping out now, Harry - it’s been really nice knowing you and working with you Harry, and I’m sure we’ll be pooling our energies again, sometime.


Harry  Same here, Ted. Cheers mate.




Liver HQ.  I don’t know - this spirit asked to come here - to experience being manifest in a body - and there’s a queue around the Cosmos - waiting to be born into this unique experience... So you give a guy a beautiful body - built for bliss - and everything he needs he can gather from outside himself, - to fly home to the stars whilst keeping his feet earthed in scented meadows, - to share, to give back to other humans and to Grand Creator, every fractal miracle of manifestation in an astral stretch as Yogic as Indra’s Bow, and what does he do???…Trash it and crash it - before he’s even spread his wings for take-off.


Ignorance is not bliss, it’s just blindness.

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