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Fantasia d' Eveissa


Soft as a kiss

Let it go - Let it bliss...


The taxi driver was so sweet

And said I was as pretty as Spain


I walk the port for hours

And watch the crowds

Ebbing and Flowing,

Milling and Massing.

Over the little river gorge

I find the wide street

With high balconied windows

From which people listen

And let down their offerings

In little stringed baskets!

I curtsey my thanks to them

And high on success and work

and tiredness,

I retire back to the other end of town

Where flowering trees -

Yellow and green -

Cascade out of the soft darkness

To shimmer over cafe tables


I melt in the murmur of chatter & laughter

Bringing my memories together

With this idyll of elation,

relaxation, coffee and cognac

I don't crave any bigger hit

Than this floating and letting go

and sitting still.


White Eveissa bicycle

You arch under the awning

like an elegant cat


Velvet centre stage

Moon drifts

Into the trees' green lace & golden curls


Eye to Eye - Wonders

In Loneliness - And need...

Another magic touch

Is to share this feeling with someone

Who cares

But cigarette smokes up a barrier


Moon moves

Earth speeds

Everyone moves

Everyone speeds

Never still

You are stillest as you flow with it, go with it,

Ride on it - In it.


Skateboards clatter

Hand drum-skins stutter


Ibiza is a scented arena

Of gay people in svelte corners

Lit by candles

Flickering on ancient stones


My son I miss you

Eveissa is laid back

The magic flute would be the final enchantment

Your music & your beauty could haunt the Isle

And empty its pockets - and its girls -

Into your lap.


Newena Martin July 200I

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