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A vocalist, improviser, writer, health nut and naturist. I sang Jazz, Cabaret, Pop, Musicals, Opera, Spanish medieval folk songs and French folksongs from Brittany. As no band or musician could play that repertoire range, I also sang Acapella - often busking for up to two hours, to keep the voice and repertoire in shape - and I became known as 'The Voice' in Shrewsbury - where I also had several residences in the best restaurants with local musicians. I had gigs in hotels in Lithuania, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Australia and Wales! and as Diamond Lil - (6 nights a week - 3 sets a night!) - at the Sheraton Skyline Hotel. I busked in London at Covent Garden and in Birmingham at that wonderful natural amphitheatre in front of the Art Gallery and Library - (the library was demolished - not by my voice!) - which paid for lunch in the Art Gallery's fabulous cafe-restaurant - and I sang by the canal and little bridge outside the newly built theatre concert hall in Birmingham - from which venue folks came out to listen to me! I busked acapella in many places in Belgium, Italy, Spain and France. In Carcassonne that paid for lunch for two of us in a great restaurant there! I was lucky in Lucca in Italy - she afforded me a euro for every minute I sang. Rich and wonderful journeys - some of which you can read about in my 'Travelogues' blogs.



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PhorgEt the fonEtics

And listen to the sound! -

Eggs will hElp you if you're bound! -

Education sticks us up, -

Use your ear - LEt it hear

Use your voice - and I might appear!

The e of needles hurts me sharply -

So please don't e me so! -

If I had spelled newenna with two n's -

You educated Ritas would say it right! -

But I would lose the master power! -

Cosmic math mastery is in my spelling

So I keep the power of cosmic sound.

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