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A Contractor’s Tale.


There was a young woman, beautiful, energetic and full of love. She was a talented singer and dancer, a Feng-Shui-er of the hearth, a Vastu-Vidya-er of the sacred spaces, a respecter and carer of Gaia, a Pharaoh’s temple handmaiden.

A man of sadness and loneliness once told her his sadness and she once made love to him. It wasn’t very good - he wasn’t very loving, he was very hungry and very bitter. But her heart had flown out to him and she wanted to comfort him and heal his great empty sadness. She became pregnant. He didn’t want to stay with her. She moved her home in London to be where she could receive natural childbirth support and do the best for the birth of the baby. They had met at drama school and he went on to perform at the RSC in the Marat Sade. She received a phone call from his home woman in the Yorkshire dales - who begged to adopt the baby - as this guy said she was not intelligent enough to bear his child and wouldn’t let her have their child.  The mother-to-be visited their home to meet her and went riding in the Yorkshire dales – but only trotting – she was not an experienced rider… Her own mother had lost her first pregnancy from riding… She didn’t lose the baby and she told the tearful would-be mother to just go ahead and get pregnant and have the child she wanted by her partner and then had no more contact with them. 

A little girl was gifted to her. She had a nanny so she managed to work, and got her own house and was one of the first women to have a sole mortgage. She completely gutted and restored the house and garden. The builders abandoned the gutted house - propped on acros and jacks and left her to cope. They went home to their families in Devon - where materials prices were cheaper - since they couldn’t stick to their quote to her in London, and she couldn’t pay them more. She did a lot of the work physically herself. The house gradually became special - handmade, wombled, recycled, inventive, functional and lovely, but not posh.

She met a blue-eyed, tall and strong, blond man and they fell in love. They married. He lived on a Thames sailing barge and was a skilled helmsman. He was also a hydrographic surveyor, and worked all over the world, doing inshore surveys for a large construction company. Surveying the tides and establishing if a new resort or a plant could be built on a beach or on a river.

She was a stewardess and had deliberately chosen a short haul airline, so as not to be away from home for more than an odd night every fortnight - and occasionally a few days - maybe every few months. Because of her little girl, she wanted to be at home to care for everything as much as possible. She sometimes took her little girl on holiday with her - to where her husband was working.

But it was always a tear - to miss him and not see him at all for months – or - to be away from her little girl, and leave her with the nanny and their adored mongrel whippet dog from Battersea Dog’s home - for longer periods than her own job would ever require - to go to be with her husband. Life always felt insecure and upsetting emotionally. There was no regular, stable, earthing, calming regime. But if she gave up her job, then she would see even less of her husband, as she wouldn’t have the 10% concessional tickets to enable her to fly to be with him...This was long before the days of the internet and cheap fares for everyone. They couldn’t afford for her to go on a full price ticket. The Thames sailing barge took most of his money, and the loves of his life were old wooden boats.

When he came home from a survey, it was always a time of celebration and happiness, but tinged with anxiety and insecurity.... When would the telephone ring again for him? - with the message - " Your next job is in Malaysia, Thailand, Morocco, Jamaica, Cyprus, Libya, the North of Scotland, Dar es Salam. You are going away on Monday for 1 month, 3 months, 5 months, or until the job is finished..."

Her home was 20 minutes from her work based at the airport, but when he was at home, he spent much time on the boat which was moored a long way from her home - and so when he came ’home’, she had to uproot and pack and organize to be on the boat with him as well. This was also difficult for her little girl who wanted to be near her friends. There were no children to play with on the barge.

At first the young woman just accepted all this variety that life was offering and thought this was exciting and romantic and she put enormous energy into doing it all as positively as she could. Sometimes her little girl would stay over with a friend for a weekend, sometimes go with her Mum and her husband to the barge and occasionally to his work site abroad. But over a couple of years of this irregular life style, she became depressed and sad and exhausted. Then her belly started to ache and she finally went to the doctor. The doctor was a wise old man with four children of his own. He examined her thoroughly and finally told her that there was nothing wrong with her, and it was because her husband was away so much that her belly ached.

She was deeply disturbed. She had not thought of that, as she never associated love with pain, or excitement and pleasure with pain. The implications for her future health and happiness and indeed survival, made her feel faint, helpless and hopeless, increased her depression and lowered her immunity and energy even further.

She started to find that when her husband came home she would always get an infection. The doctors just assumed he was unfaithful to her when away for long periods, but she didn’t feel that was the case and never questioned him about that. Another school of thought says that when you first start to make love with someone, you have to build an immunity to their bugs, and the gaps away were so long, that when he came home it was like starting all over again - getting used to each other’s bugs – perhaps.

But the antibiotics were not clever and you couldn’t have a drink whilst on them, so the three weeks he might be home, were not much fun anymore, as every time he went away again after the little holiday period of unknown duration, there would be a bashing of antibiotics to recover from, apart from the months of pain, sadness, sickness, depression and deprivation when he was away.

She started to explore other ancient teachings, which analyse people in very subtle and complex ways. From three different knowledge banks she discovered resonating things about herself:

Firstly, that her particular combination of Nine Star Ki elements means that it is harder for her to find a true love and perfect partner, a Shiva for her Shakti, than any of the other 71 combinations.

Secondly, according to another wisdom, this person will quickly die without love.

Thirdly, even from present day animal/social behavioural scientific research, - smacking of course of Huntingdon Life Sciences reptilian psychopathic hell-hole research, - (as of 10 years ago totally unnecessary with the Syncrometer and homeographic test bottles – – that if you cage up baby monkeys, feed them correctly, keep them clean, their temperature correct and give them exercise and agility developing opportunities, they will still not survive without the physical warmth, closeness and nurture of snuggling together with other monkeys, mother, siblings or mates. They see no point in living without real physical nurture. What is love, but nurture.

She thought about finding a lover for when he was away, and indeed she had no shortage of opportunities, - with her job as a stewardess, she met many men. Locally, there was a handsome man. Ex air force, now an Insurance agent, she insured her house with his company. He was separated, had a little boy and they became friends. But it never felt right to her, and wasn’t what she needed.

She was totally turned off by the substitute offerings of plastics, gels and synthetic vibrations, which seemed to her a travesty of the myriad variations of blissful, cosmic vibrations gifted to us through a carbon based body. Many years later she realised that these things are deliberately forced upon us, by ego-encouraging media management - the engineered deprivation of the work agendas of the reptilians and occasioned by their jealousy. They may be in a Teflon robotic body, but they are put together luciferianly with no heart chakra to connect it all together. One of the lyrics she later wrote, was accepting this alien interbreeding and inviting the lizards to come down and circle dance with us and evolve their heart chakras, much as currently, we have to re-evolve our 12 string DNA cell memory of ancient knowledge.

This woman was made for love, a love Goddess, not made like a robot servant for drudgery and ignorance. Life was becoming a nightmare. She didn’t want to waste her precious gift of life becoming ill and unable to give her love and energy, and she had so much love to give to a man who cared about her and who knew love was the most important thing in your life on this planet.

She separated from the surveyor and looked forward to meeting a new love who could be with her every day, and to whom she could give her love and he to her, and with whom she could be happy and nourished by the natural love between a healthy man and woman - her belly internally massaged, and their ecstasy inspiring them every day, to wake up every morning, thankful to be warm and close together, and to caress and cuddle each other as they awoke, and to get up full of joy to give thanks for their lives in a simple cared-for home....

Happy to work, to garden, to clean, to shop, to cook using fresh food, dishes from many cultures, and to do many creative and beautiful things, from singing to painting, sewing to writing and reading to her little girl, - watching her draw and make pots and play with her pet mice and the dog.

The next man she met who she really liked, and who was very sweet to her, was, however, in the Royal Navy and he too was therefore not at home very much. So she knew loving him and longing for him and missing him would send sad messages to all her cells and make her sick again and with no hope it would ever change, so she decided that she couldn’t marry him.

She gave up flying and got a job near home. She started to sing again. She began to write, to read, to practise Yoga, and do courses. She studied anatomy and physiology, aromatherapy, reflexology and massage.

She renovated two listed buildings, and ran a hotel in one of them. She nearly died of dental poisoning and only survived by studying Dr Hulda Regeher Clark’s research and following her protocols strictly.

She continued to write and sing, and now wrote lyrics, and a scenario for a musical.

Some amazing lovers came into her life. She doesn’t believe in owning anybody and when they had given all that was the purpose of their meeting to each other, they parted, sometimes with pain and sadness, but that is mainly about ego, as Eckhart Tolle explains in his book ’The Power of Now’. She learned so much.

She met a talented musician and worked with him for 10 years and cleaned her body of the state forced vaccinations, before allowing herself to become pregnant with her son.

She discovered, from a fourth wisdom system, that in some instances, people are drawn together in attraction for work purposes only, especially if they are already of the type that is a natural server and support system creator - and love may not be a part of the purpose of the relationship.

She also discovered that spirits choose their parents from other dimensions, and she accepted the compliment from her now-estranged son, for his choice of her, to expand his musicianship and designer abilities.

She also had to recognise that she too, had chosen and accepted all her life-trial learnings before she entered into a body and that her life path was amazingly rich and constantly evolving her to a state of freedom and peace.

Now she is alone and has much wisdom. She wants to give her love and wisdom. She wants to be loved and well used and enjoyed with intelligence and appreciation and joy.

She started to search for a new lover on the internet. She saw photos of beautiful men, all of them saying, in one way or another that they were full of love and passion, and needed a special woman to care for them, not to play games, but to be tactile and affectionate. She started to talk to them on the internet.

Then she discovered they were all lonely contractors and surveyors, stuck out in a desert or a jungle somewhere,- perhaps for a year. They just wanted to have someone to talk to on the internet when they got back off site, and expected her to work out the time difference and spend her life on the computer, IM chatting to them to relieve their loneliness.

Her wisdom knows that she is not going to get her body cared for and massaged like every Pharaoh’s temple maiden should be, virtually, on the internet. And if they did ever meet when he came home from the contract? - Well, the chemistry might not be right - you can never tell about that special gift from mother nature until you smell the real pherohormones, and you can’t do that over the internet! So she might keep him amused, in his destructive job, for months or years, and never get the regular love and sanity a person needs.

The ant in the matrix, paying the mortgage, the insurances etc. etc., is reptilianly programmed and controlled. The reptilian controllers of the economics of planet earth don't care about Planet Earth, they came from somewhere else, and are chauvinist misogynists, - breeding women and babies for adrenaline, torture, rape and murder kicks, and believe they have somewhere to hide! But the same agenda of control and manipulation is at the top of the business and commerce iceberg,- it's just a question of degree as to how far its depths of evil goes - unseen by most people and unrecognised for what it is.


'The Expected One' by Kathleen Macgowan, will put some essential pieces in your very lopsided Da Vinci Code jigsaw,- as will ' The Hollow Earth' by David Standish, 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' and 'The Biggest Secret' and the Barbara Marciniak books - about the Pleiadeans - The Family of Light.


No matter how many boxes you tick, the pherohormones are not a sure thing. You can disagree with someone's values and they may behave very badly, but if the chemistry is right and they can love you in the way you need, then the boxes don't mean a thing and you will always love them for the joy they bring you, in your every little cell.


Every little cell has its own brain and knows its needs. The arrogant western intellect thinks it can control, ignore, re-arrange and manipulate everything. The funny thing is, we do that to try and have more pleasure, and concretize and stabilise our pleasures and comforts and THEN we put them in the sweet tin on top of the Tele till we think we might have deserved a sweet and open it to find them mouldy, and so end up having less of them or even none!


The contractors are killing many people. They leave their loves alone and wasted, to sicken and die from lack of love. They take other, wiser people's land and kick them off it. They steal their water and trees and the world's oxygen at the same time. They steal the oil and melt the ice. They steal the food the people grow on their land, and grow mono-crops. Mono crops they then don't want to pay a viable price for, but meanwhile the people that changed their whole lives and were seduced into growing the mono-crop, have no food and no money to buy it from other places.

What a stupid system! Who put that in place? What do they eat? (Michael Jackson's 'Heal The World' bids us banish Fear).


They pollute the land with chemicals and poison the streams and rivers. The people who have been living there for millennia and understand the plants and healing herbs, resins and clays, and grow and harvest many foods to assure immunity from a full spectrum of varied minerals and vitamins, are being raped, robbed and genocided so westerners can eat rubbish, plastic-wrapped, Benzene-contaminated, non-food - and get obese and lazy in front of a play-station screen, and burn oil in their obscene, planet destroying cars and planes.


While on site in the third world, these contractors are dreaming of home, of their swimming pools and gardens. Of making love in a pool of gel?!- (petrochemical gel with toxic flavour and colour E numbers)


There was one guy whose profile caught her imagination, it seemed a bit special and he sent her a story – an allegory about women being apples on trees and the best are at the top - just waiting for the right man to come along and have the courage to reach to the top to pick them!


So she sent this reply message to this guy, who she actually thought she might have connected with, if they had actually met....

"Go home to Los Angeles, and empty your concrete pit of poisonous chlorine. De-contaminate the water before pumping it out! - with 'Clean and Safe' - an enzymic cleaner that doesn't poison the land, the earth or the water systems. You can also decontaminate yourself with 'Clean and Safe' in your bath for 20 minutes, to get out heavy metals and also with Transdermal Magnesium.


Steam clean the pool pit. Refill it with only pure water, some pure mud and reeds and water plants and when these have cleaned the chemicals from the water supplier out of the water, put carp and fish in it, so that you can eat fresh fish, as people do from their ponds in Eastern gardens.

Never pollute your body with Chlorine or detergents,- they lead to Alzheimer’s disease, as well as poisoning the earth that supports you.


Stop using detergents and conditioners in the washing machine. They rub in through your skin – your biggest breathing organ - and of elimination also - day and night - from clothes and bedlinen. Use Eco Balls or ’Clean and Safe’ and dry in the sun and wind and never use a tumble drier.


Stop killing millions of brain cells with aftershave petrochemicals and use healing aromatherapy oils for perfumes instead.


Find a good woman that you have good chemistry with and care for her every cell with love every day.


Don’t use Condoms - They are another reptilian plot. Who wants to make love in a plastic bag? They are filled with Nonoxynol 9 - a version of SLS or SLES which is garage floor degreaser or engine cleaner. You don’t want that destroying your tissue’s integrity, especially on your sacred Vajra or in her sacred Yoni. You need real naturally clean healthy skin and all your organic Ojas and juices.


The main Doctor speaking at the AIDS conference told everyone that Nonoxynol 9 destroyed tissue integrity and opened people to more infection than it protected them from. It’s based on Oil - Petroleum.


Did you know that the ancient Egyptians thought oil was a very dangerous thing. They called it Stone Oil and it was forbidden to be used anywhere in homes or temples as 5000 years ago they knew even then that it clogged up lungs dangerously! Only a very small amount was allowed in the highest control laboratory in the highest temple for research purposes only. They knew oil was present under the desert next to Egypt and in Libya, but they had better wisdom than to use it.


The peoples and alien shapeshifters who have issued back out from holes in the ground, Hittites, Sumerians and others, wanted to mine this oil and use it to destroy the sacred and renewing and respectful rule of Maat - (Gaia/Amon-Ra/Nature/Cosmos) and if you look now you will see that the black gold has done exactly that - destroyed our environment unnecessarily. The Egyptian spiritually and physically (no separation!!) robust and nurturing culture of Maat managed better than us - without oil!


A really sad fact came out of the exchanges between her and the contractors. Fifty percent of the lonely men who approached her had lost loved ones in accidents. One had lost both parents, another his wife and child. Another, his wife, and others had lost partners, all due to the oil, directly or indirectly. - That's a huge percentage and it's a big message to us all. Three were in fatal accidents, the others had cancers or unexplained deaths - of young wives at early ages. Oil and separation, loss, greed and nurture deprivation have TOO much to answer for it to ever be justified for a millisecond longer.


In ancient Egypt at the height of its social and spiritual perfection - which lasted longer than any other civilisation ever has - but which the Hittites and Syrians and Libyans were forever trying to subvert out of greed, Gold was reserved for temples, and for reverence of the Goddesses and Gods, who are representatives of the 9 life force elements.


Gold, jewels, precious oils, music, song, poetry, water, food, wine and fine linen were ritually given in the temples as thanks for their gift of life to us. We are a fractal expression of them and they live through us, so we had better make it good and healthily ecstatic or we don’t please them! And we will be recycled by Gaia or Maat, as stupid and disrespectful as we are.


If your sperm is good she can use it as a face mask and drink it,- its full of Zinc. You better feel the same way about her Ojas too! - Ejaculation is not a male prerogative and a real, juicy, mature, healthy women’s cells need pumping and draining as the moon fills them up, or she gets bloated and in pain. That beautiful fluid is your lubricant and honey for endless love ecstasy. What are you playing about with petrochemical poisons for? ... Or indeed allowing that wonderful word, ecstasy, to be tainted with a cheap drug association?

Think about who instigated that little piece of programming and degradation of cosmic reality!?


Zinc is vital to health, immunity and fertility. So we sold the poor old third world our aluminium pans, which rob you of Zinc by chelating it out, and ruined their immunity.


She cooks in ceramics, glass, enamel or wood, and doesn’t have a microwave. She doesn’t even use stainless steel - you get 16 % inorganic vanadium and 8 % chromium from it. She finds old silver cutlery or buys good plastic from Dr Clark, and wooden tools.


If she was in a jungle or village she would cook in a locally made clay pot on a clay stove to save wood and reduce eye damaging and ozone damaging smoke.


HIV is only picked up by people who have damaged their immunity with petrochemical pollutants on the top of a lack of Zinc… Benzene (some from plastic bottles) goes straight to the Thymus gland and invites in the HIV virus to live there – (similar megahertz) – You can pick up HIV from a dog lick or an unsterilised salad. It is carried inside Fasciolopskis Buskii by snails world-wide. Fasciolopskis Buskii is the human intestinal parasite which isn’t very nice, but it couldn’t do you so much harm before you dissolved your cells integrity with petroleum variants, perforated your colon and allowed them access to the inner body - which homogenising milk also allows - and to your Thymus gland.


Sterilise your fruit and veg with Lugol’s and don’t go to the jungle without your kit - of Lugol’s and Hcl.5% and maybe also Grapefruit seed extract – as you don’t know their local herbs or how to recognise, harvest and use them....


Now That would be a good thing to be asking the locals about instead of ripping them off and turfing them off their homelands. - Use your air miles for respectful, cultural exchange and learning, and plant enough trees to cover your flights – or you cannot go!!


Aids is not a bug - it’s an acute state of toxicity in which you have lost all immunity, due to pollution, - mainly petrochemical, but dyes and PCBs and inorganic heavy metals and many other sorts too. Stop drinking water, pop or anything at all, out of clear plastic bottles, and packing, storing and using plastics un-necessarily. They give you Benzene - straight to your Thymus gland.


Adopt a couple of kids and teach them how to grow organic vegetables and herbs. Keep chickens, goats, make goat’s cheese, cook from scratch, spin, weave, pot, decorate and carve. You can even carve cutlery and make cupboard handles from the right wood twigs.


Ignore the supermarket and then it will go away. Exchange everything you REALLY! need, both food, clothing and labour with local folks. Don’t buy anything with long air miles, truck miles or 'e' numbers.


You have enormous power! - Use it with awareness and conscious ethical decisions. If you don’t buy it they won’t make it!


Get an electric car and make sure your electricity supplier is investing in NEW wind and wave power and not using coal, oil or gas to make your electricity. Gas can come from grass or tip waste. Like Sir Dale Vince of Ecotricity.


Get some photovoltaic panels for your hot water.


Get a wind pump or make one yourself, - you’re an engineer aren’t you? - and feed some electricity into the grid.


Never burn coal or gas - gas gives you vanadium, never mind the carbon monoxide if un-serviced.


Use all your organic compost and garden cuttings to produce gas for cooking in a little kit that they use in India now, to make bottled cooking gas. See Resurgence magazine for an article about these fantastic gas plant kits.

Maybe even permaculture the garden, so there are fewer prunings – less work! (consider the lilies of the field, neither do they spin nor weave, but worship the Goddesses and Gods with perfume and beauty).


Eden Domes, (Biospheres) can grow everything in any climate and also avoid pollution. Everything can be filtered and cleaned (using natural rocks and electronic Rayonex systems) - and protected inside. True this plastic has come from petrochemicals, but that’s the kind of ethical research and long term use Ramses 2 and his priests would have approved of and used. We need to reduce air miles and truck miles and live local.


A perma-cultured garden,- (Gaia’s Garden by Toby Hemenway) - more or less looks after itself, and can be created out of a desert in 10 years - to a luxurious productive garden and you don’t need weed killer and insect sprays because of your companion planting – truly intelligent understanding of mother nature that the human species can show itself intelligent with, instead of just greedy, selfish rapists. Mother Nature’s immune system will kick in and Gaia will destroy us in our disrespect, but she doesn’t want to go that way to synthetic, pretend, virtual misery with you, so please stop. For kid’s sake.


When you want to swim, go on your feet, the bicycle, the bus, the tram, the train or in the electric car, to the ocean, river or stream and hope you haven't polluted them too much with your previous lifestyle!


Just get a shower in the corner of the garden for hot days and maybe a hot tub for massage in winter - although a woman’s massage would be better! - and teach yourself to do this for her too (first !)


Forget the Barbecue, - you get Benzopyrenes from food cooked directly on an open flame or electric wire like in the toaster. Only the best quality of space-age technology, a teflon-lined toasting machine makes safe toast, and cast iron fry pans properly cured with good raw organic olive oil or coconut oil and just hot water rinsed - never detergent polluted.


Use no refined oils and never refine sunflower oil or cook in it. Heating it makes it damaged and toxic. It’s delicious raw, - nutty, green and sweet for salads or veg.- another thing altogether to ruined, refined toxic sunflower oil.


If you char something or burn something in a cast iron pan, and it doesn’t get charred from the direct element, or flame, it’s a bit of OK charcoal and no Benzopyrenes.


So go home and use the internet to do what business you must. What’s video-conferencing for? But more - use it to share knowledge and talk to other people without air miles.


And your love? - your Queen? You stay with her and celebrate the sunrise and the sunset every day as Pharaoh’s temple handmaidens do. That way she will stay happy and healthy. You will stay happy and healthy, your children will learn useful things and be happy and healthy, the planet will be happy and healthy, and we will have the privilege of continuing to enjoy living with her in harmony. Paradise will manifest again – in a truly spiritually intelligent era, not in a tacky, plastic, consumerist waste of polluted trash.
                                  And the apples ?.....
                                 AH yes! - those apples !...
Well this woman is not a passive apple - waiting to be picked. She’s not a blow-up doll to be switched on and pumped up - just when you come home. (see ‘The Stepford Wives’ film - best is Brian Forbes’ original film)


No, she’s a Goddess, manifest on earth, and you, as a male, may be a steward of her land - if you are good enough to be picked!! You might just be a God and a King to her Queen, but there are not many of those about! -Why not ? 'Cos they don’t teach you how to be one of those in the reptilianly directed education system that emanates from the Tavistock Clinic.


He said he tried to take positively whatever life throws at him or presents to him.


She responded by saying.... "We do not get stuff presented to us that we have not already asked for. You can be in control - or allowance - or flow, and you should choose consciously and with ethical, spiritual respect what life ’throws’ at you,- or else you are a mere unaware pawn - an ant in the matrix! That control and decision starts with awareness of much that is being deliberately hidden from you in order to control you and use your energy for someone else’s agendas! Start making some truly intelligent, awarely caring choices, that are not about anything competitive, but are about Gaian respect, cooperation and love for everyone and everything on the planet.


The most important health tip I can give you - that is being hidden! - is about the damage homogenised milk does to health: There is a molecule in milk that is a natural colon cleaner and does a great job there! But when milk is homogenised, this molecule is cut in half - to a size that allows it to traverse the colon walls into the inner body – where it has no business and should never be and where it attacks the arteries or whatever tissues it ends up on. Our body tries to help us by plaquing the wound - so homogenised milk is a large cause of artery plaquing. The added irony is that milk must be at least 2 % fat – that’s about the usual full cream percentage - in order to trigger our pancreas to release the bile that deals with fats! Our bodies have evolved fantastically well but we sabotage this in many, ignorant, damaging ways - like reduced fat milk and homogenisation.


So, re-assess your real needs and priorities from a new standpoint of connection and interdependence..."


If not? -

   - We will all experience a CONTRACT-ING tale! 

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